MagStar Magnetometer Array
About Us
The project
The MagSTAR magnetometer array is a three-year project funded by NSF through the Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments (DASI) solicitation.
The goal of this project is to build upon the successful magnetometer installation design developed under Hazard SEES project NSF-1520864 to deploy six industrialized, high-quality, real-time, operationally-ready magnetometers in the continental US (see proposed map below). This new array, Magstar, will target a balance between improving network density, sensor accuracy, and long-term operational deployment, using a cutting-edge containerized computing system, industry standards of automation and system hardening, scientific-quality temporal resolution, and extremely low latency data transfer. The project begins in February, 2020.

The instrument
The station is comprised of two major components: a magnetometer mounted on a concrete pylon, and a fiberglass pole containing electronics and solar power. Because of the sensitivity of the magnetometer, it must be located well away from power transmission lines and steel or iron objects, including the system’s own electronics. The magnetometer instrument is connected to the electronics system through a cable, buried 18” deep.
Instrument specs:
- 1Hz data cadence
- Low noise magnetic field measurements
- Real-time (less than 1sec) latencies for data transfer
- Secure/encrypted communication over long-range wireless



Jennifer Gannon